Today is publication day for my first novel. The Tin Face Parade is 320 pages of rakish and bloody Edwardian crime, and my delight that people are finally reading it is only slightly tempered by my uncharacteristic nervousness that people are finally reading it.

Long-time readers of this blog (both of you…) might remember that it was once shortlisted for the Bridport First Novel Prize. Its journey from there to here has been rather an adventure in its own right, and I hope it’s worth the wait.
As the Beatles once said, ‘it took me years to write, will you take a look?’
As of today, The Tin Face Parade is available from Amazon in ebook and paperback.
For those who don’t do Amazon, indie distribution is taking a little longer to filter through, but I’ve seen it available on Blackwells in the UK and Barnes & Noble in the US.
Awesome Joly! We keep finding out more about you.
Anthony Mason
Thank you Tony!